Beta Alpha Psi Chapter Reboot Program for Fall 2021

Welcome back!

As the fall semester begins, many BAP chapters will be able to resume meeting in-person and we are encouraging chapters to consider the following suggestions to reboot your chapter programs:

1. Consider a hybrid model for 2021-2022 – Allow flexibility for both virtual and in-person meetings. Ideas for virtual professional and service activities and for creating an online presence for your chapter here

2. We have added more options to the Reaching Out Activities list to help chapters meet their Mission Based or Award Status goals:

Virtual Events:

  • November 16, 2021 7-8PM ET
    • *Fall Virtual Initiation - Join the Professional Partners to attend a Professional Session. The initiation event will follow the Professional Session, candidates and members are encouraged to attend.
    • Candidates who are submitted for initiation and paid by Wednesday, November 10 with an initiation date of November 16 may be initiated during the live ceremony. 
    • Pre-registration is required. Register here (it's free!). 
      • * Registration for the virtual initiation is separate from the initiation process and all chapters are responsible for following the reporting process in order for their candidates to be initiated virtually. Initiates must be entered into the Reporting Intranet as a candidate and their records must be paid in full and moved to the “Submit for Initiation” folder, one week prior to the event. 

  • Virtual Wellness Session – All chapters are encouraged to conduct a Wellness Session for students to support each other in a casual setting.

  • AACSB Societal Impact Goals Many business schools are now incorporating programs to address Societal Impact goals to address the social needs their local communities. Your chapters is encouraged to contribute to your business schools goals by conducting a service activity to help them meet their goals.

  • Members, join the Alumni & Member Network here for access to exclusive content and networking opportunities. 

Please refer to the 2021-2022 Program for Chapter Activities (PCA) here to fully understand how your chapter can be a success!

Hear what our Professional Partners think about BAP!

Beta Alpha Psi has afforded me so many great opportunities, including an amazing network of incredible professionals that I now call friends! This organization is far more than just serving students while they are in school; it is a lifelong relationship!

Valerie Wendt
CPA Product Manager
Gleim Exam Review