Competitions and awards are listed by deadline date.
AICPA Foundation Financial Hardship Grant and Travel Stipends
With over 300 chapters across the US, Beta Alpha Psi serves numerous communities. In line with our commitment to supporting students facing financial hardship, the AICPA Foundation has granted Beta Alpha Psi funds to help ensure that more students can participate in their chapter and attend the Beta Alpha Psi Annual Meeting.
Outstanding Dean Award
Beta Alpha Psi takes pride in acknowledging the steadfast support provided by deans to their respective chapters. The Outstanding Dean Award is an annual tribute to these leaders who play a pivotal role in shaping the path of our organization. Nominations, based on chapter officers' and faculty advisors' interactions, make this recognition possible.
Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award, sponsored by RSM LLP
Presented up to four faculty advisors who go above and beyond the requirements of a faculty advisor. Not only are the recipients of the Outstanding Faculty Advisor award recognized in front of their chapter and their peers, but they also receive a plaque and a $5,000 cash award in recognition of their achievements.
Beta Alpha Psi Leadership Award - Round Two Final Submission, sponsored by EY
Chapters submit a written proposal outlining the importance of leadership development in preparing them for the global workforce. Also, chapters provide a detailed strategy for fostering collaboration, professional growth and broader engagement within their chapter. The submission should include a detailed action plan defining project objectives, desired outcomes and how funds would be spent.
Medal of Inspiration Award, sponsored by AICPA Foundation
Beta Alpha Psi students are already “good” students. They have strong GPAs, they contribute to their communities through service, and demonstrate a commitment to professional ideals and ethics. We want to encourage them to go the next level and strive to be “great.” An integral part of this encouragement is for students to hear life stories of other students who have been particularly inspirational.
Project Run With It, sponsored by Moss Adams Foundation
Project Run With It (PRWI) which originated in 2008, is a unique competition designed to further the community service component of Beta Alpha Psi and provides student members with an opportunity to engage in a real-world consulting project.
Platinum Challenge Competition, sponsored by the KPMG Foundation
Beta Alpha Psi recognizes that many chapters often go above and beyond what is required to become a top performing chapter. In an effort to reward these chapters, the KPMG Foundation sponsors the KPMG Gold Challenge Competition which has been renamed in 2023-2024 to the Platinum Challenge. The competition lets students put their multimedia skills to use by creating a 5-minute video that explains and/or demonstrates why their chapter deserves the award or why a top student would want to become part of the Beta Alpha Psi organization
VITA, sponsored by IRS
The VITA Program is an excellent opportunity for Beta Alpha Psi chapters to gain exposure on campus and in the community. As an added benefit, chapter members that volunteer gain valuable practical experience in income tax preparation which is a life skill.
Alumni Advocate or Mid Year Representative
As an Alumni Advocate or Mid Year Representative, you will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of Beta Alpha Psi. These positions are not only an opportunity to serve, but also an investment in your personal and professional development.
Dean's List (or Equivalent) Award
Beta Alpha Psi students who have qualified for their school’s Dean’s List (or equivalent) and cannot afford to attend the Annual Meeting have the opportunity to receive a travel stipend from Beta Alpha Psi.
Best Practices, sponsored by Deloitte
Best practices are activities created and completed by a chapter to further specific goals identified by the board of directors of Beta Alpha Psi and by Deloitte LLP (Deloitte). These activities exemplify the spirit and purpose of Beta Alpha Psi and, if applicable, allow other chapters to emulate those activities.
Beta Alpha Psi Leadership Award (Round 1 Submission) Sponsored by EY
Chapters submit a written proposal outlining why developing leaders is important to the chapter in preparing them for the global workforce. Also, chapters provide a detailed strategy outlining how they will provide opportunities for members to think, learn and act as leaders and include a detailed action plan defining project objectives, desired outcomes and how funds would be spent.
AFWA has long supported Beta Alpha Psi because both organizations share a commitment to fostering professional growth and leadership in accounting and finance. BAP, like AFWA, emphasizes academic excellence, ethical conduct, and practical experience, equipping its members with the skills needed for successful careers.
Cindy Stanley
Executive Director
Accounting and Financial Women's Alliance