Degree seeking undergraduate and graduate students (e.g. MPA, MACC, MBA, MS, and PhD, etc.) and non-degree Post-Baccalaureate students at institutions where a chapter is located shall be eligible for election and subject to the following criteria:
In order to fully benefit from Beta Alpha Psi activities, students seeking to be Beta alpha Psi candidates must declare their candidacy when they have at least the equivalent of one academic year (two semesters) remaining prior to graduation. A student may remain a candidate for no more than one semester or two academic quarters following completion of required major courses prior to induction as a full member; exceptions for special circumstances may be made only with approval of the chapter's faculty advisor.
Discover if your school hosts an active Beta Alpha Psi chapter by visiting this link. has been impressed by the level of buy-in from students, employers, academia and professional organizations. Seeing a diverse range of future leaders each year inspires us to keep the BAP + partnership momentum building! More great things ahead!
Kelly Cure
Co-founder, Head of Growth