*This exercise must be a chapter activity.*

The first topic covered is “Feedback” and its role in early career success. The purpose of this module is to familiarize students with feedback as a continuous process that can be learned and improved. This feedback module is a 50-minute lesson presented in an interactive way.

Steps for Chapter Success

  • Secure a CPA and/or CGMA facilitator to conduct the session. If the chapter needs help securing a facilitator, they can reach out to their local CPA society for assistance.
  • To find your state society contact, click here and select your state. Your contact will be indicated on the right side of the page. Please give them ample time to assist (a month out, if possible). If able to assist, the state society will make initial contact with the individual, relay the contact information to the chapter representative and the chapter will continue any necessary communication with the facilitator.
  • At least 2 weeks prior to the session, the chapter will ensure the facilitator receives the facilitator guide to aid in preparation for the session. They will also send the CPA/CGMA the slides so they have ample time to input their personal information into the slide deck.

If you have any questions, please reach out to

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Since our partnership with Beta Alpha Psi, we have seen the Executive team's support and the success of getting unique opportunities in front of outstanding students within California and beyond.

Isaac Obando
Outreach and Recruitment Manager
California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA)