BAP Professional Partner Representative
Valerie Wendt, University Partnerships Manager

BAP Professional Partner Organization: Gleim Exam Prep

How to Leverage BAP Professional Partner Resources

Gleim Exam Prep can assist the student members of Beta Alpha Psi by presenting topics on the CPA Exam, CMA Exam, CIA Exam and EA Exam as well as exam related topics such as the application process, test taking strategies, soft skill training (interviewing, resume building, etc.) and exam changes for all certification exams.  We welcome the opportunity to present on any of these topics at chapter meetings.

Gleim Exam Prep can assist the student members of Beta Alpha Psi by presenting topics on the CPA Exam, CMA Exam, CIA Exam and EA Exam as well as exam related topics such as the application process, test taking strategies, soft skill training (interviewing, resume building, etc.) and exam changes for all certification exams.  We welcome the opportunity to present on any of these topics at chapter meetings.

About Gleim

Gleim Exam Prep has helped thousands of CPA Exam candidates pass the CPA exam as well as other certification exams.  Having over 1 million CPA Exam passed using Gleim, our truly adaptive technology (SmartAdapt®) helps candidates study effectively and take any exam with greater confidence.  Candidates can avoid spending hundreds of hours re-studying for a failed section, be guided down the most effective path to completion and focus on their weaker areas more efficiently.  Gleim Exam Prep is the smartest review course on the market.  Gleim has the largest test bank of practice questions with thorough answer explanations, an experience that mirrors the real exam, and support for everyone's study journey.

BAP Student Resources

Gleim is pleased to provide up to a 30% discount on any of our Exam Prep courses (CPA Review, CMA Review, CIA Review, or EA Review) to all BAP students.  Gleim Exam Prep courses have access until you pass so you can begin studying before you even become eligible to sit for the exam.  CMA, CIA & EA exams can even be taken before you graduate. We offer free demo access to all of our courses; visit for additional information.

About Valerie Wendt

Currently, Valerie Wendt is the University Partnerships Manager for Gleim Exam Review based in Gainesville, Florida where she is responsible for University, Corporate & State Society partnerships and campus recruiting. Valerie continues to be involved with the product development of the Gleim CPA Review systems.  She has 25+ years of experience working in the Exam Prep s pace as well as continuing education for CPAs.

Valerie is a graduate from Saint Leo University in Tampa, Florida with a degree in Business Administration and Management Information Systems as well as holds a Certificate in Project Management from Villanova University. She is a past professional affiliate member of the Florida Institute of Certified Public Accountants and is the current Secretary of the American Professional Accounting Certification Providers Association (APACPA).  Most recently, Valerie served as the Professional Partner Chair for the national organization of Beta Alpha Psi and served on its executive board. Valerie is a regular presenter and speaker at many national conferences for both accounting continuing education and CPA Exam preparation. 



Representative Contact Information:
800.874.5346 ext. 333

Hear what our Professional Partners think about BAP!

MYOB is proud to be BAP’s first Oceania Professional Partner Organisation, and work with their chapters in the region to provide tools, training, support and networking opportunities so their members can enter the workforce job-ready.

Shailan Patel
Education Manager