
University of Wisconsin ‐ Madison

Chapter #18, Est. 1932

"When I was first admitted into the Wisconsin School of Business, I was at a bit of a loss. I wasn't sure exactly which major I wanted to pursue, and had no friends within the business school. However this all changed in the spring semester of my sophomore year. During the spring semester, I decided to go to a Beta Alpha Psi info session, and the rest is history. Beta Alpha Psi helped me meet some of my closest friends in the business school, helped me determine what career path I wanted to take through networking with different firms, and gave me confidence to pursue and excel at leadership positions.

I've served on our executive board for three semesters now, and it has taught me so much about group dynamics, motivating others, and delegating tasks in an efficient manner. Serving on the board has also helped me build invaluable relationships with faculty within the school of business, and has resulted in me holding myself to a higher standard as I know I'm no longer just a face that blends into the crowds.

Joining Beta Alpha Psi has been instrumental to my collegiate experience and I’m so grateful for all the opportunities it has provided me."



Hear what our Professional Partners think about BAP!

MACPA’s purpose is leading our profession, Maryland first, in transforming the world and making a positive impact. We seek to Connect, Protect and help the CPA-led profession Achieve success. With this in mind, we partner with BAP, it’s leadership, students, educators and fellow professional partners, because we believe in the power of collaboration and the importance of community. BAP students are our future leaders and together our future is brighter and stronger.

Rebekah Brown, CPA
Maryland Association of CPAs