Annual Meeting Awards

History of Best Practices

Deloitte has been the proud sponsor of the Best Practices program at both the regional and national levels since 2001. Their sponsorship of this program is intended to encourage students to develop and execute programs that promote awareness and student involvement in projects that exemplify values shared by Beta Alpha Psi and Deloitte. These values are captured and promoted through the topics announced each year revolving around ethics, corporate responsibility, diversity, increasing awareness of the accounting profession, skills-based volunteerism, and globalization.  

Every chapter has the opportunity to compete in the regional meeting best practices competition. Then each first-place regional meeting winner is invited to compete at the annual meeting.   

To date, there have been over 800 individual and team presentations at the regional and international levels and nearly $500,000 awarded to Beta Alpha Psi chapters to support chapter operations, scholarships, and the continuation of best practices projects.  

Each chapter has the opportunity to compete in the regional meeting competitions, and each first-place winner will be invited to compete at the annual meeting. Thank you as well to all the Professional Partners and Board Members who judged these presentations. 


History of Ethics Award

Sponsored by Grant Thornton LLP since 2010, the purpose of this award is to help encourage ethical behavior throughout the accounting, finance and information technology professions. The business world has experienced the ethical failures of many individuals and organizations in the accounting and finance profession over the past decade. These actions have had detrimental and lasting effects on the economy and individual investors and have damaged the reputation of information professions.

It is a core value of Beta Alpha Psi to encourage ethical behavior. One way to encourage this behavior is to examine difficult situations demanding ethical responses and by recognizing the resulting exemplary ethical behavior by individuals and/or organizations in the professions, government, business, academia and not-for-profits. Chapters submit an abstract for a planned project that encourages ethical behavior and a summary with outcomes and an overall assessment after the project is completed.

To date, Grant Thornton has given over $140,000 to award recipients.


History of Inclusive Leadership Award

An inclusive work environment that values and leverages the unique differences of a diverse team is critical for the future success of the global business community. More than 90 percent of the Fortune 500 companies have active diversity initiatives in place and most include diversity as part of its business strategy. EY leadership fully understands the importance of an inclusive environment that values the contributions of its entire people. The firm believes that a key element of effective teaming is the diversity of thought generated from team members from different backgrounds and perspectives. Highly effective leaders are those who are experienced at leading diverse teams. EY also believes that it is important for future leaders of the business community to have a great appreciation and understanding of how to successfully team in a diverse and inclusive environment. Accordingly, EY has created the Ernst & Young LLP Inclusive Leadership Award.

The competition began in 2007 as the Diversity Initiative and in 2014 the award was renamed to the Inclusive Leadership Award to include a global perspective.

Ken Bouyer, Americas Director of Inclusiveness Recruiting at EY said: “I couldn’t be more happy to continue our long standing relationship with Beta Alpha Psi.  Both personally, as a past International President of BAP; and as a representative of EY, I value the opportunity to invest in talented students.  EY is always looking for students who demonstrate academic excellence, integrity, service and a commitment to diversity and inclusion; and I can’t think of a better representation of all of those qualities than Beta Alpha Psi.”

To date, EY has given over $140,000 to award recipients.


History of Project Run With It (PRWI)

Sponsored by the Moss Adams Foundation, Project Run With It (PRWI) involves about 100 Beta Alpha Psi (BAP) chapter members working together during the BAP Annual Meeting to develop solutions to real life business problems of not-for-profit (NFP) organizations. PRWI was inspired by Moss Adams’ longstanding commitment to volunteerism and community engagement. PRWI provides Beta Alpha Psi members with the opportunity to carry on this legacy as they empower nonprofits to fulfill their missions and better serve their local communities.  

The students work in teams of four and have about one day to develop a formal presentation showcasing their solution to the business issues presented by the NFPs in their “request for proposal” for consulting services.  PRWI is a high intensity, compressed competition that is meant to provide participating students a totally unique experience.  Despite the intensity and time-sensitive nature of the competition, students often comment on the intangible rewards of participating and count it as an enriching component of their overall Beta Alpha Psi experience.  Students also note that the competition is an ideal platform to fortify classroom knowledge and implement that knowledge in providing solutions to real issues.  A past participating student from University of Alabama, said this: “Knowing that my work, as a student, can be used in the real-world is very inspiring!  It is very exciting to meet new people and to work with them towards a common goal. Win or lose, this is truly a fun experience which I learned a lot from.”

Moss Adams Partner, Corinne Baughman, said this about the competition: “I have been fortunate to be involved with PRWI since it all started.  As a board member of the Moss Adams Foundation, it is one of my most favorite opportunities I receive each year to be a judge for the competition.  The students are always so professional, well-prepared and engaging and the charitable groups are so thankful for the help they receive.  It is truly amazing to see how these two groups help each other meet their goals!”

Since inception in 2008, over seven-hundred students have participated and $127,000 has been awarded to chapters whose students have placed on the winning teams.  


For a more detailed list of each schools awards, CLICK HERE.


Please see the sections below, organized by region, for a breakdown of each schools' award winnings at the annual meetings between 2000-2019.


Chapter NameSchool NameBest PracticesEthics AwardInclusive Leadership AwardProject Run With It
MuNew York University2001, 2003
XiSyracuse University2011
Alpha GammaCUNY - Baruch College
Alpha PhiTemple University
Alpha PsiWest Virginia University
Alpha OmegaFordham University20152008
Beta EpsilonLehigh University
Beta ThetaThe Pennsylvania State University
Gamma LambdaVirginia Tech2017
Gamma NuNortheastern University
Gamma UpsilonUniversity of Rhode Island
Delta NuUniversity of Massachusetts - Amherst2014, 20172012, 2016, 2017, 20182018
Delta PiHofstra University2001
Delta TauDrexel University
Epsilon ZetaVirginia Commonwealth University
Epsilon LambdaUniversity of Connecticut2003
Epsilon SigmaThe George Washington University
Zeta Eta Clarkson University
Zeta ThetaSUNY at Buffalo2008, 2011, 20132015, 2016, 20172012, 2014, 2015, 20162010, 2015, 2016
Zeta XiSeton Hall University
Zeta PiOld Dominion University2014, 20192012, 2016
Eta DeltaJames Madison University20112008, 2017
Eta MuSt. John's University2013
Eta NuHoward University
Eta PiUniversity at Albany
Eta UpsilonLoyola University Maryland2019
Theta AlphaGeorge Mason University
Theta GammaBentley University2013, 2014, 2015
Theta DeltaSuffolk University2011
Theta IotaUniversity of Baltimore
Theta MuRutgers University-New Brunswick
Theta RhoBinghamton University
Theta ChiDuquesne University
Iota ZetaTowson University2014, 2019
Iota LambdaPace University2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2016, 20172009, 2010, 2011, 20152017, 2019
Iota PiSalisbury University2002, 2003
Iota PsiFairfield University
Kappa AlphaMorgan State University2015
Kappa GammaRutgers University - Camden
Kappa EpsilonRider University
Kappa ZetaSt. John's University - Staten Island Campus2016, 2018
Kappa IotaWidener University
Kappa OmicronLong Island University - Post
Kappa UpsilonUniversity of Pittsburgh2011
Kappa PhiMarshall University20102009, 2014
Kappa OmegaVillanova University2003
Lambda ZetaSUNY Oswego20112010
Lambda EtaMarist College
Lambda PiManhattan College
Lambda ChiNiagara University
Mu AlphaIthaca College 2014, 2016, 2017
Mu EpsilonWestern New England University
Mu EtaThe College of New Jersey
Mu UpsilonAdelphi University
Mu PhiUniversity of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Mu ChiUniversity of Hartford
Mu OmegaStonehill College20172013, 2017, 2019
Nu AlphaQuinnipiac University2015
Nu BetaRadford University
Nu ZetaWest Chester University2018
Nu KappaUniversity of Scranton
Nu LambdaRoger Williams University
Nu MuWashington and Lee University
Nu Xi Siena College
Nu OmicronIona College
Nu SigmaFairleigh Dickinson University
Xi DeltaRobert Morris University2018
Xi ThetaRowan University
Xi IotaRamapo College of New Jersey
PetitioningCentral Connecticut State University
PetitioningUniversity of New Haven
PetitioningSimmons University

Chapter NameSchool NameBest PracticesEthics AwardInclusive Leadership AwardProject Run With It
AlphaUniversity of Illinois
OmicronThe Ohio State University
PiCase Western Reserve University2011
SigmaUniversity of Wisconsin - Madison
PsiMarquette University2008, 2010
OmegaMiami University
Alpha KappaOhio University2003, 2007, 20092019
Alpha XiUniversity of Detroit Mercy
Alpha SigmaUniversity of Cincinnati
Alpha UpsilonBowling Green State University
Beta AlphaIndiana University2001, 2002, 2006, 2007, 2008
Beta GammaDePaul University
Beta IotaLoyola University Chicago
Beta SigmaUniversity of Notre Dame2013, 2018
Beta PsiKent State University2001, 200520152007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2013, 2015, 20192012
Gamma EpsilonUniversity of Toledo2018
Gamma ZetaSouthern Illinois University at Carbondale
Gamma EtaThe University of Akron
Gamma PiNorthern Illinois University2013
Gamma RhoWestern Michigan University
Delta PsiCleveland State University20182012
Epsilon RhoUniversity of Wisconsin - Whitewater2018
Epsilon PhiWayne State University
Epsilon OmegaEastern Michigan University
Zeta AlphaPurdue University
Zeta BetaWestern Illinois University20152008
Zeta LambdaBradley University2015, 201920152011
Zeta OmicronUniversity of Wisconsin - Eau Claire2018
Zeta OmegaBall State University
Eta EpsilonCentral Michigan University2008
Eta ZetaUniversity of Dayton
Eta ThetaUniversity of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Eta XiUniversity of Michigan - Flint
Eta PhiOakland University - Michigan2010
Eta PsiWright State University2014
Theta EpsilonIndiana State University
Theta KappaUniversity of Illinois at Chicago
Theta OmegaEastern Illinois University
Iota RhoUniversity of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Iota UpsilonUniversity of Wisconsin- La Crosse
Kappa BetaGrand Valley State University20192013, 2018, 2019
Kappa DeltaIllinois State University
Kappa LambdaSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville2014, 2016
Kappa XiYoungstown State University20112017
Kappa SigmaUniversity of Michigan-Dearborn
Lambda IotaNorthern Michigan University
Lambda MuUniversity of Southern Indiana
Mu DeltaOhio Northern University2010, 2014, 2015
Mu RhoXavier University
Xi BetaPurdue University Northwest

Chapter NameSchool NameBest PracticesEthics AwardInclusive Leadership AwardProject Run With It
ZetaUniversity of North Dakota
Alpha NuCreighton University2017
Alpha PiUniversity of Iowa20062007, 2009
Gamma ThetaUniversity of Missouri
Gamma KappaUniversity of Nebraska at Omaha2019
Gamma MuDrake University
Gamma PsiUniversity of Missouri - St. Louis2013, 2014
Delta OmicronUniversity of Nebraska - Lincoln2014
Epsilon DeltaUniversity of Missouri - Kansas City20162015
Epsilon ThetaKansas State University20072017
Zeta NuSaint Louis University
Theta PiMissouri State University2003, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019
Theta UpsilonUniversity of South Dakota2018
Iota BetaIowa State University
Iota MuUniversity of Central Missouri20112014
Kappa NuTruman State University2002
Kappa ChiWestern Illinois University - Quad Cities2003
Lambda AlphaUniversity of Kansas
Lambda GammaPittsburg State University
Lambda PsiEmporia State University2009
Mu NuUniversity of Nebraska - Kearney
Mu XiSoutheast Missouri State University2019
Mu OmicronWashburn University
Nu IotaWashington University in St. Louis
Nu ChiMinnesota State University Mankato

Chapter NameSchool NameBest PracticesEthics AwardInclusive Leadership AwardProject Run With It
BetaUniversity of Oregon2002, 20092012, 2017
DeltaUniversity of Washington2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 20142007, 20092011
EpsilonOregon State University
Delta EpsilonWashington State University
Delta EtaSeattle University2001, 2005, 2013, 2014, 201820142012
Delta KappaUniversity of Montana
Delta RhoPacific Lutheran University
Delta SigmaEastern Washington University
Epsilon AlphaPortland State University-School of Business2013, 2017, 20192014, 20192013, 2016, 2017
Zeta PsiBoise State University2008, 2010, 2013, 2014, 2018, 2019
Theta PhiWestern Washington University2006, 20112014
Iota GammaUniversity of Idaho2012
Iota DeltaGonzaga University
Lambda UpsilonSeattle Pacific University
Mu PsiUniversity of Washington Bothell20122011, 2012
Nu EpsilonCentral Washington University20132015
Nu ThetaWashington State University Vancouver20192014, 2019
Nu OmegaUniversity of Portland

Chapter NameSchool NameBest PracticesEthics AwardInclusive Leadership AwardProject Run With It
Lambda OmegaThe University of Sydney - Australia2016, 20182018, 201920192011, 2017, 2019
The Auckland The University of Auckland Business School
The Massey Massey University Albany - Massey Business School
Upsilon Tau SigmaUniversity of Technology Sydney2016, 2018, 20192018, 2019
The WaikatoUniversity of Waikato
The Victoria WellingtonVictoria University of Wellington
Xi EpsilonMonash University2018
Xi KappaDeakin University
Xi LambdaThe University of Melbourne


Chapter NameSchool NameBest PracticesEthics AwardInclusive Leadership AwardProject Run With It
NuUniversity of Colorado Boulder
Alpha ZetaUniversity of Denver2003, 2010, 2014, 20152016
Gamma AlphaBrigham Young University20032011, 20122012, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2018
Gamma TauColorado State University
Delta AlphaUniversity of Wyoming2002, 20052019
Delta OmegaUtah State University2005, 20062010, 2012, 2016
Epsilon XiUniversity of Utah2017
Eta LambdaIdaho State University20172013
Eta ChiMontana State University - Bozeman
Theta NuFort Lewis College
Theta XiThe University of New Mexico2011, 2013
Theta SigmaUniversity of Colorado Denver2009
Theta TauWeber State University
Theta PsiUniversity of Northern Colorado
Mu PiUtah Valley University


Chapter NameSchool NameBest PracticesEthics AwardInclusive Leadership AwardProject Run With It
UpsilonUniversity of Florida
PhiLouisiana State University2008
Alpha BetaThe University of Alabama2017
Alpha ThetaUniversity of Mississippi200520112012
Alpha LambdaUniversity of Tennessee at Knoxville2008
Alpha MuUniversity of Kentucky
Beta KappaMississippi State University20082014
Beta MuGeorgia State University - School of Accountancy
Beta XiUniversity of Miami
Beta RhoFlorida State University
Beta UpsilonUniversity of Georgia
Gamma BetaUniversity of South Carolina
Gamma ChiThe University of Memphis20142013
Delta GammaUniversity of South Florida2001, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2007, 20182008, 20162010
Delta ChiUniversity of Alabama at Birmingham2016
Epsilon BetaUniversity of South Alabama
Epsilon GammaUniversity of Central Florida
Epsilon KappaAppalachian State University
Epsilon NuMurray State University2008
Epsilon OmicronAuburn University
Epsilon UpsilonEmory University-Goizueta Business School
Zeta GammaMiddle Tennessee State University20132019
Zeta DeltaGeorgia Southern University
Zeta MuThe University of Southern Mississippi
Zeta RhoClemson University
Zeta SigmaNorth Carolina A&T State University2015, 20162010, 2016, 2017, 201820102012, 2015
Zeta PhiTennessee Tech University
Zeta ChiUniversity of North Carolina at Greensboro
Eta AlphaUniversity of North Carolina at Charlotte201620192014
Eta GammaUniversity of Louisville2002, 2007
Eta IotaFlorida International University
Eta KappaUniversity of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Eta OmicronWestern Kentucky University2016
Eta TauFlorida Atlantic University2010, 2019
Eta OmegaEast Tennessee State University2011, 2013
Theta ZetaMillsaps College
Iota AlphaUniversity of North Carolina Wilmington
Iota ThetaUniversity of Alabama in Huntsville
Iota XiEast Carolina University/College of Business
Iota TauKennesaw State University
Iota PhiUniversity of West Florida
Iota OmegaNorth Carolina State University
Kappa PiSamford University2011
Kappa RhoWinthrop University
Lambda BetaThe University of Tampa2007, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2014, 20162010, 20172011, 2018
Lambda DeltaStetson University
Lambda ThetaSouth Carolina State University
Lambda KappaCoastal Carolina University2015
Lambda NuBelmont University
Lambda XiElon University2009, 2010, 2013, 2018
Lambda PhiGeorgia College & State University
Mu BetaCollege of Charleston
Mu GammaUniversity of South Florida St. Petersburg2010, 2011
Mu ZetaValdosta State University20152010, 2016
Mu ThetaTennessee State University2008, 2010
Mu LambdaFlorida Gulf Coast University
Nu GammaUniversity of North Georgia20192019
Nu DeltaWestern Carolina University
Nu UpsilonMercer University
Nu PhiJacksonville State University
Xi AlphaUniversity of South Carolina Upstate
Xi GammaAuburn University at Montgomery
Xi ZetaUniversity of North Alabama
Xi EtaUniversity of North Florida
PetitioningFlorida Southern College
PetitioningThe Citadel
PetitioningTroy University


Chapter NameSchool NameBest PracticesEthics AwardInclusive Leadership AwardProject Run With It
ChiOklahoma State University
Alpha EpsilonSouthern Methodist University (Re-Petitioning)
Alpha IotaUniversity of Arkansas2019
Alpha RhoBaylor University
Alpha ChiLouisiana Tech University2015, 2016, 2019
Beta ZetaLoyola University New Orleans
Beta NuTulane University
Beta PiUniversity of North Texas
Gamma DeltaUniversity of Houston
Gamma SigmaUniversity of New Orleans
Gamma PhiUniversity of Texas at Arlington2017
Delta LambdaNew Mexico State University2014
Delta XiTexas Southern University
Epsilon MuStephen F. Austin State University2015, 2016
Epsilon Pi University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Epsilon TauWichita State University
Zeta EpsilonTexas A&M University-Commerce
Zeta TauLamar University
Zeta UpsilonUniversity of Houston - Clear Lake2012
Eta BetaUniversity of Texas at San Antonio
Eta RhoUniversity of Tulsa2007
Eta SigmaUniversity of Louisiana at Monroe
Theta BetaUniversity of Texas at El Paso2008, 2009, 20132017
Theta EtaSoutheastern Louisiana University
Theta LambdaUniversity of Central Arkansas2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2018, 20192012, 2019
Iota NuUniversity of Oklahoma
Iota SigmaNicholls State University
Kappa EtaTexas State University20152014
Kappa ThetaUniversity of Louisiana at Lafayette2001, 2006
Kappa MuSam Houston State University20172013, 2018
Lambda OmicronUniversity of Texas at Dallas
Mu KappaUniversity of Texas at Tyler
Nu EtaUniversity of Arkansas - Fort Smith
Nu PsiPrairie View A&M University
PetitioningNorthwestern State University


Chapter NameSchool NameBest PracticesEthics AwardInclusive Leadership AwardProject Run With It
IotaUniversity of Southern California2005, 20152018
LambdaUniversity of California Berkeley2010
Beta EtaSan Diego State University2011, 2014, 2015201320112014
Beta LambdaCalifornia State University - Los Angeles2009
Beta OmicronUniversity of Arizona
Beta TauArizona State University2018, 20192018
Beta PhiCalifornia State University - Sacramento20162017
Beta ChiSan Francisco State University
Gamma XiSan Jose State University
Gamma OmicronCalifornia State University - Fresno20012011, 2015
Gamma OmegaCalifornia State University - Long Beach2005
Delta BetaCalifornia State University, Fullerton2012
Delta ZetaCalifornia State University - Chico
Delta ThetaUniversity of Hawaii - Manoa2001
Delta UpsilonNorthern Arizona University
Epsilon IotaUniversity of San Francisco
Epsilon ChiCalifornia State University - Northridge2003, 2006, 20102008, 20132011
Epsilon PsiCalifornia State University - East Bay20172013
Zeta IotaUniversity of Nevada - Reno2002, 20122008
Zeta KappaUniversity of San Diego2003
Theta OmicronUniversity of Nevada - Las Vegas
Iota EtaCalifornia State University - San Bernardino
Iota KappaUniversity of the Pacific
Iota ChiCalifornia State Polytechnic University - Pomona2011
Lambda RhoCalifornia State University - Stanislaus
Lambda SigmaUniversity of California - Los Angeles
Nu PiUniversity of California, Irvine
Nu RhoUniversity of California Riverside

Hear what our Professional Partners think about BAP!

BAP supports educational excellence while positioning its members for continued success. As as the CEO of the first state CPA society, I can think of no better way to support the accounting profession than by supporting those students and professionals who will enter it through Beta Alpha Psi. It's an honor to partner with and support Beta Alpha Psi!

Calvin Harris
NY State Society of CPAs