Beta Alpha Psi 2020 Annual Meeting Chapter Operations

Thank you to all the chapters who submitted PowerPoint presentations for this year’s annual meeting. We appreciate your participation and sharing what makes each of your chapters a success.

Each presentation is listed by topic that all chapters can benefit from and apply towards 2020-2021!

Build and maintain a strong alumni base

Building successful leadership teams

Campus awareness

Expanding to include MIS and FIN

Innovative recruiting of officers and members

Leadership succession planning

New member mentorship

Officers' workshop

Small chapter operations

Fundraising strategies

Essential skills

Successful presentation skills

Technology in operations

Workforce ready skills

Working with other campus organizations

Wild card (topic of your choice)


Hear what our Professional Partners think about BAP!

I proudly support Beta Alpha Psi because of the undeniable excellence of its members. The candidates CBIZ interacts with from BAP consistently exemplify the standards our firm seeks. I look forward to discovering ways that I can bring value to BAP members and the industry.

Katie Carrothers
National Campus Recruiting Senior Manager
CBIZ and Mayer Hoffman McCann P.C. (MHM)